clipper blade sharpening

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Hoggers impress through their long-lasting edge life at cutting depths that are high. However, jointing cutters achieve better surface quality. This is the reason why the majority of machines use two tool kinds.

Technique: SharpEdgesOK uses an air-cooled sharpening belt. While it can be used for culinary knives, this type of sharpener is often also used for sharpening tools, due to the fast and destructive nature of the process of belt sanding. Air cooling is not as efficient than water-cooling, which could lead to overheated knives, leading to the loss of temper in knives. (Tempering is an essential procedure in knife making that requires heating and holding a blade at an elevated temperature for twoplus hours) If a properly tempered blade can hold a sharp edge and maintain toughness and flexibility, losing temper results in brittle blades that wear out quickly.

The quickest and easiest way to extend edge life is to wash the tool on a regular basis. What could be thought of as an unclean tool may actually give good cutting quality after the cutting edges are cleaned.

Before a time is specified tests are conducted to determine the average edge life. These empirical values then provide the basis to determine the "most ideal" change point. The tool changes occur before the quality of the piece is impaired. Large plants that have an extremely high production rate, unplanned downtime of the machine as a result of reaching the end the edge life abruptly costs more than repairing the tool (possibly) in a hurry.

Quality requirements of the client: The quality requirements that the workpiece being processed must satisfy differ widely from customer to client and are contingent on the usage and quality expected of the product produced. The tool's life span is generally longer when the requirements are less demanding than when extremely high quality standards must be achieved.

The more precise the connection between tool and machine, the lower are the run-outs radial and axial, and consequently the longest edge life of a machine.

clipper blade sharpening

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